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Winter Gardening

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  • Post last modified:February 6, 2024

Welcome to gardening enthusiasts everywhere!
Our charming Boykins are enjoying warm sunshine in the Zinnia border on a warm late December morning. Aren’t they just adorable? Every morning they race outside to find see what pollinators or lizards are scampering through the new blooms.
This year we have been marveling at the beautiful second spring brought on by the El Niño weather pattern in place. An El Niño is reported to bring a winter with warmer temperatures and maybe more rainfall. Today we expect to have a high of 70 F but next week the outlook is for a high of 28 F. Our main winter challenge is to ride out the rollercoaster of high and low temperatures with the plants often budding out prematurely, such as my apple trees right now, only to experience freezes multiple times over before winter is over. Most of our garden is ready to keep on thriving through our winters but for a handful of plants we will cover them with old blankets and water them well before the temperature drops.